Roulette and the number seven

See roulette and the number seven in a dream

What is the dream of roulette and the number seven - This portal will come to the rescue with a complete interpretation of the dream about roulette and the number seven from different dream books.

Try to carefully recreate your dream, pay attention to everything that surrounded you, maybe objects, also embody something.

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Dream interpretation roulette and the number seven i dreamed of why in a dream roulette and the number seven? For choosing the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial a letter characterizing a dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams with a letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to dream roulette and the number seven by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books!

Sleep prediction Seven

by Dream interpretation of Shereminskaya
The number 7 is associated with the moon, it governs life cycles and rhythms - birth, growth, disease, aging, death.

Each stage of human growth is completed within seven years.

According to the occult sciences the human body renews itself every seven years, and our diseases also develop according to a seven-day cycle with crises on the 7th, 14th or 21st day. These crises usually last 3.5 days - half of seven.

Any seven objects represent a complete cycle, for example, seven days make up a week.

The perfection of "7" is also confirmed by the fact that, according to being, the creation of the world was carried out within seven days, which, in fact, was the creation of life.

Seven To see the number seven - to the achievement of the goal, the fulfillment of desire, the situation is strengthened, if seven is multi-colored.

Why dream Seven

by Self-study guide to the interpretation of dreams
This number is mystical.

It contains the spiritual secrets of life.

Seven notes, a week, seven chakras and the like

Corresponds to the planet Neptune, which patronizes the pursuit of philosophy and religious contemplation .

If you dream of the number seven - get ready for solitude and spiritual reflection.

But beware of melancholy, indifference, addiction to alcohol.

Seven is a mystical number.
Film Solitude, spiritual reflections are associated with it.

To see in a dream Seven

by Dream interpretation of Shereminskaya
The number 7 is associated with the moon, it governs life cycles and rhythms - birth, growth, disease, aging, death.

Each stage of human growth is completed within seven years.

According to the occult sciences the human body renews itself every seven years, and our diseases also develop according to a seven-day cycle with crises on the 7th, 14th or 21st day. These crises usually last 3.5 days - half of seven.

Any seven objects represent a complete cycle, for example, seven days make up a week.

The perfection of "7" is also confirmed by the fact that, according to being, the creation of the world was carried out within seven days, which, in fact, was the creation of life.

Seven to see the number seven - to the achievement of the goal, the fulfillment of desire, the situation is strengthened, if seven is multi-colored.

It means infinity.

It consists in material prosperity, leadership, authority, cosmic consciousness, abundance and reward.

To see in a dream Number

by Dream interpretation of Nostradamus
The Antichrist's number is three sixes. In a dream, it can appear in the form of a date, a mark on a person's forehead, and in any other way.

A calendar with a number indicated on it is a warning that something terrible will happen to the dreamer on the specified date.

Performing any calculations in a dream is evidence that you are able to prevent the evil that is plotted against you.

Why dream Number

by Psychological dream book
This is what Nostradamus said about dreams and numbers.

The number of Antichrist is three sixes. In a dream it can appear in the form of a date, a mark on a person's forehead, and in any other way.

A calendar with a number indicated on it is a warning that something terrible will happen to the dreamer on the specified date.
< br> Performing any calculations in a dream is evidence that you are able to prevent the evil that is plotted against you.